Homes for health and well-being

There is a wealth of evidence that shows the significant impact people’s homes have on their health and well-being.

Public Health Wales is publishing a series of briefings that aims to translate this evidence into action. The briefing series will:

• Outline our shared vision for a future of healthy housing in Wales.
• Share examples of what ‘good’ looks like from existing evidence and notable practice.
• Use this insight, alongside evidence from people’s lived experiences, to identify actions that will help achieve our vision.

This briefing sets the context for the series and the themes and topics it will cover.

Authors: Manon Roberts

The health, well-being and equity impact of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement on Wales

This report provides a short summary of the findings of a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement on Wales. This report is a high-level, evidence-based strategic overview. It summarises the main health, well-being and equity impacts that could potentially occur in the short and longer-term following the UK’s accession to the CPTPP.

Authors: Liz Green, Leah Silva+ 6 more
, Michael Fletcher, Louisa Petchey, Laura Morgan, Margaret Douglas, Sumina Azam, Courtney McNamara
Cartoon style image of health care workers smiling and taking care of young people, one of which is in a wheelchair

Welsh Health Equity Solutions Platform (WHESP)

The Welsh Health Equity Solutions Platform will act as a repository of information, case studies, and previous interventions used to help combat inequity and share good practice in Wales.
The platform features searchable data tools and a report-generating function which allows users to input their search terms and produce outputs related to those terms. The platform also offers a spotlight feature that can be used to highlight particular solutions or themes.
The team will develop the platform over time to add additional content and features.

Authors: Rebecca Hill, Jo Peden+ 12 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Mariana Dyakova, Daniela Stewart, James Allen, Liz Green, Rebecca Masters, Leah Silva, Sara Cooklin-Urbano, Golibe Ezenwugo, Abigail Malcolm (née Instone), Jason Roberts, Rajendra Kadel

Time to Talk Public Health: February – March 2023 Panel Survey Findings Report 2

Time to Talk Public Health is a nationally representative panel of Welsh residents aged 16+ years established by Public Health Wales to enable regular public engagement to inform public health policy and practice. In April we published a report presenting findings from the February – March 2023 survey which focused on screening, sustainability, campaigns and current concerns. This second report from the February – March 2023 survey is focused on findings relating to food environments and healthy weight.

Authors: Catherine Sharp, Karen Hughes
Resource: Has Brexit changed detection and prevention of illicit trade in drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in Wales?

Has Brexit changed detection and prevention of illicit trade in drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in Wales?

This briefing by Public Health Wales summarises the international systems the UK and Wales participated in to tackle illicit alcohol, tobacco, and drugs before Brexit. It will then explore how these have changed post-Brexit and what potential impact that may have on health and well-being in Wales.

Authors: Katie Creswell, Louisa Petchey+ 1 more
, Leah Silva

International Horizon Scanning and Learning Report: Universal Primary Free School Meals Report 44

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning reports were initiated as part of the COVID-19 public health response, to support dynamic response and recovery measures and planning in Wales. In spring 2022, the scope of the reports was expanded to cover priority public health topics, including in the areas of health improvement and promotion, health protection, and health care public health.

In focus: Universal primary Free School Meals

Authors: Leah Silva, Abigail Malcolm+ 4 more
, Lauren Couzens, Sara Cooklin Urbano, Emily Clark, Mariana Dyakova

Building the social relationships of older people in Wales: challenges and opportunities

Social capital is a protective factor for health and well-being, and differences contribute significantly to health inequalities in Wales. This paper provides a rapid review of older people’s social relationships and networks and how this has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and more recent cost of living crisis. The report identifies policy and practice examples that can promote, sustain and strengthen older people’s social relationships and networks as a means of overcoming challenges and building the social capital of current and future older generations.

Authors: Menna Thomas, Louisa Petchey+ 2 more
, Sara Elias, Jo Peden

Maximising opportunities for health and wellbeing for people and communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage: A guide to using the Socio-economic Duty in policy and practice in Wales

Achieving a More Equal Wales is one of the seven goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The act provides public sector bodies in Wales with the five ways of working that will support us to make better decisions today for a More Equal Wales tomorrow. The Welsh Government’s Socio-economic Duty came into force in 2021 and aims to deliver better outcomes for those who experience socio-economic disadvantage.
The aim of this Guide is to help public bodies in Wales apply the Socio-economic Duty so that it can act as a powerful lever to improve the health outcomes for people and communities who experience socio-economic disadvantage. Public bodies have an opportunity to embed the Duty into their systems and approaches to ensure that the Duty makes a systematic difference and is not just a tick-box exercise.
An accompanying animation is also available via the links below.

Authors: Sara Elias, Lewis Brace+ 1 more
, Jo Peden

Is parental unemployment associated with increased risk of adverse childhood experiences? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Unemployment has adverse consequences for families and can put children at risk of harm. This review examines associations between parental unemployment and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Findings highlight that increasing employment opportunities and parental support interventions may help break multigenerational cycles of ACEs.

Authors: Natasha Judd, Karen Hughes+ 3 more
, Mark Bellis, Katie Hardcastle, Rebekah Amos

International Horizon Scanning and Learning Summary Calendar 2022/23

This International Horizon Scanning and Learning Summary Calendar is the third in the series, following the Summary Calendars from 2020/21 and 2021/22. This Summary Calendar has collated, synthesised, and presented a clear and concise synopsis of the five International Horizon Scanning Reports over the past year, since April 2022 through to March 2023. In addition, the two summary reports (published in 2022) are included. The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream has proved to showcase informative and impactful research whilst collating data from other countries and has provided guidance, recommendations, and useful insights regarding the evolving nature and uncertainties of emerging public health topics, which has sought to improve and inform such actions and approaches in Wales.

The summary aims to inform a succinct overview of comprehensive, coherent, inclusive and evidence-informed policy action, which has supported and continues to support the national strategies towards a healthier, more equal, resilient, prosperous and globally responsible Wales. This calendar includes key messages and key recommendations from the high level synthesis pages of each International Horizon Scanning report.

Themes include:
• Intermediate care
• The cost of living crisis
• COVID-proofing the educational environment: 4-18 years
• Early childhood education and care
• Communication campaigns for vaccine acceptance
• The impact of COVID-19 on mental health and increasing vulnerability
• The impact of COVID-19 on increasing the health gap and vulnerability

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Emily Clark+ 14 more
, Andrew Cotter-Roberts, Abigail Malcolm (née Instone), Golibe Ezenwugo, Leah Silva, Anna Stielke, Sara Cooklin-Urbano, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), James Allen, Aimee Challenger, Claire Beynon, Mark Bellis, Mischa Van Eimeren, Angie Kirby, Benjamin Bainham

IHCC Progress Report 2018-22

This report outlines the International Health Coordination Centre’s (IHCC) progress in driving and enabling implementation of the Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales (the Charter) across the NHS over the last four years. It also provides examples of international health partnership working from across the Health Boards and NHS Trusts. The report highlights the IHCC’s plans and aspirations for the future, in supporting a healthier, more equal, globally responsible, resilient and prosperous NHS in Wales.

The report highlights the IHCC’s role, achievements, ways of working, collaborative structures and activities; and outlines the evolution of the IHCC in relation to global, UK, national and local developments. These include challenges and opportunities such as the UK withdrawal from the European Union (‘Brexit’), the COVID-19 pandemic and the ‘cost of living’ crisis. It demonstrates the tools used to enable shared learning, facilitate cross-NHS and cross-sector synergies, and maximise benefits to the health and well-being of the people in Wales and beyond.

Authors: Liz Green, Mariana Dyakova+ 2 more
, Laura Holt, Kit Chalmers

Time to Talk Public Health: February – March 2023 Panel Survey Findings

Time to Talk Public Health is a new nationally representative panel of Welsh residents established by Public Health Wales to enable regular public engagement to inform public health policy and practice. This report presents findings from the February – March 2023 survey, covering issues including screening, sustainability, campaigns and current concerns. The following topics were also asked in the survey: food environments, healthy weight and Healthy Weight Healthy You campaign, however, their findings will be reported internally initially and published at a later date.

Authors: Catherine Sharp, Karen Hughes

Comparing relationships between single types of adverse childhood experiences and health related outcomes across the life course: a combined primary data study of eight surveys

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) show strong cumulative associations with ill-health across the life course. Harms can arise even in those exposed to a single ACE type but few studies examine such exposure. For individuals experiencing a single ACE type, we examine which ACEs are most strongly related to different health harms.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 2 more
, Katie Creswell, Kat Ford

International Horizon Scanning and Learning Report: Communication campaigns for vaccine acceptance

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning reports were initiated as part of the COVID-19 public health response, to support dynamic response and recovery measures and planning in Wales. In spring 2022, the scope of the reports was expanded to cover priority public health topics, including in the areas of health improvement and promotion, health protection, and health care public health.

In focus: Communication campaigns for vaccine acceptance

Authors: Abigail Malcolm (née Instone), Leah Silva+ 5 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Sara Cooklin-Urbano, Aimee Challenger, Emily Clark, Mariana Dyakova

Tackling Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) State of the Art and Options for Action

This new report brings together what is known about ACEs across Europe and internationally, showing the on-going toxic impact that ACEs can have across the life course and how ACEs and their consequences can be prevented. The report supports the development of a trauma-informed society that is invested in action to prevent ACEs and better support those affected by them.

Authors: Sara Wood, Mark Bellis+ 3 more
, Karen Hughes, Zara Quigg, Nadia Butler

Time to Talk Public Health: January 2023 Panel Survey Findings

Time to Talk Public Health is a new nationally representative panel of Welsh residents established by Public Health Wales to enable regular public engagement to inform public health policy and practice.
This month’s survey covered mental well-being, vaccines, risk-taking behaviour and health inequalities.

Authors: Catherine Sharp, Karen Hughes

Gambling Health Needs Assessment for Wales

This health needs assessment aims to review the needs of people experiencing harms from gambling to inform a public health approach to reducing gambling harm in Wales. It includes the epidemiology of harmful gambling, a summary of the evidence base around preventative and treatment interventions, a summary of existing services, and themes identified from qualitative research, which explored in detail the views of people with lived experiences of harmful gambling, service providers and stakeholders.

Authors: Annie Ashman, Claire Beynon

Time to Talk Public Health: Panel Recruitment Survey

Time to Talk Public Health is a new nationally representative panel of Welsh residents established by Public Health Wales to enable regular public engagement to inform public health policy and practice.
This report presents the demographics of the 2,000 panel members recruited during the first stage of the project. Findings from the initial recruitment survey, focusing on cost of living, coronavirus and priorities for Public Health Wales, are also reported.

Authors: Catherine Sharp, Karen Hughes

Be the Change – Procurement that doesn’t cost the earth

Procurement is costly. Welsh public sector spends £7 billion on procurement. A huge 62% of the 2018/19 carbon footprint for NHS Wales was from procurement.
Sustainable procurement can mean considering not buying things at all, buying energy and resource efficient goods, ethical goods such as Fairtrade coffee, or locally sourced products and services which support local businesses. It can also support the delivery of organisational priorities and well-being objectives, and ultimately improve the economic, environmental, social, and cultural well-being of Wales.
The e-guide gives advice for anyone buying goods and services on ways we can take action by thinking about what we need, where it comes from, how long it will last and the impact it has on people, nature and planet.

Authors: Tracy Evans, Eurgain Powell

Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty Report 2022

The first Public Health Wales’ ‘Biodiversity Duty report’ was published in 2019, in response to the enhanced biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty under Section 6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016. The duty requires public authorities to “maintain and enhance biodiversity (so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of their functions) and in doing so promote the resilience of ecosystems”.
In 2023 we have published an updated Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty Report outlining the steps Public Health Wales is taking to promote biodiversity, highlighting progress made between 2019 and 2022 including against actions identified in our Biodiversity Action Plan, Making Space for Nature.

Authors: Eurgain Powell

International Horizon Scanning and Learning Report: Early childhood education and care

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning reports were initiated as part of the COVID-19 public health response, to support dynamic response and recovery measures and planning in Wales. In spring 2022, the scope of the reports was expanded to cover priority public health topics, including in the areas of health improvement and promotion, health protection, and health care public health.

In focus: Early childhood education and care

Authors: Abigail Malcolm (née Instone), Leah Silva+ 4 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Sara Cooklin-Urbano, Emily Clark, Mariana Dyakova

Understanding health inequalities in Wales using the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method

Throughout Wales and the world, health inequality remains a problem that is interconnected with a wider and complex social, economic and environmental dynamic. Subsequently, action to tackle inequality in health needs to take place at a structural level, acknowledging the constraints affecting an individual’s (or community’s) capability and opportunity to enable change. While the ‘social determinants of health’ is an established concept, fully understanding the composition of the health gap is dependent on capturing the relative contributions of a myriad of social, economic and environmental factors within a quantitative analysis. The decomposition analysis sought to explain the differences in the prevalence of these outcomes in groups stratified by their ability to save at least £10 a month, whether they were in material deprivation, and the presence of a limiting long-standing illness, disability of infirmity. The analysis not only quantified the significant health gaps that existed in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has also shown what determinants of health were most influential. Understanding the factors most closely associated with disparities in health is key in identifying policy levers to reduce health inequalities and improve the health and well-being across populations.

Authors: James Allen, Andrew Cotter-Roberts+ 4 more
, Oliver Darlington, Mariana Dyakova, Rebecca Masters, Luke Munford