Thank you to all those who registered and joined the ‘Participatory and Equity Focussed Health Impact Assessment (HIA)’ webinar, which was delivered by the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU), World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on ‘Investment for Health and Wellbeing’, Public Health Wales on 5th March 2020. There was much interest in this event, aimed at WHO European Region member state representatives interested in learning more about the Welsh approach to HIA and how this can be applied in different regions and contexts, with over 110 individuals from a broad range of countries around the world registering to attend.

The webinar was opened by Tatjana Buzeti, Policy Officer for Multisectoral Approaches for Health Equity from the WHO European Office for ‘Investment for Health and Development’ in Venice, Italy, who set the scene for the presentations to follow. Presenters included Liz Green, Nerys Edmonds and Lee Parry-Williams from WHIASU, who provided an introduction to the Welsh approach to HIA with examples of work undertaken by WHIASU including an overview of training and resources developed. Two case studies of HIAs carried out in Wales, including the Brexit HIA, were also outlined, offering an opportunity to explore HIA in practice. There were opportunities for attendees to ask questions and reflect on the information presented, resulting in interesting discussions on the areas covered during the webinar. Following a very informative session, Tatjana reflected on the presentations, offered some concluding remarks from which the webinar was brought to a close.

For anyone unable to join on the day or who would like to watch the webinar, the recording can be found here. The webinar agenda can be accessed here and the slides can be viewed here.

Further information on HIA, including tools and resources, and the work of the WHIASU can be found on the WHIASU website. Please contact us ( if you have any queries or would like to provide any feedback on this webinar.