The Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being, Public Health Wales has today published ‘A COVID-19 pandemic world and beyond: The health impact of home and agile working in Wales ’. Homeworking has emerged as having a significant impact for many in the population as a result of recent measures implemented in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. The aim of the work was to identify who has been particularly affected by the shift in working practice and how, and note any inequalities which need to be addressed.
It provides an overview of the potential health and well-being impacts of home and agile working on the population of Wales in the short, medium and long term. It was carried out rapidly in real-time and draws upon learning from international evidence, latest data and intelligence and the views of expert stakeholders.
The report includes:
- A Summary Report
- An Infographic
- A Supporting Information Report which contains the methodology, the evidence, tools and tables (English only)
We hope that the report will help inform organisations in their response to the pandemic by identifying where action is needed to mitigate against negative impacts and enhance positive impacts. The publication identifies areas for further research and evidence gaps. The report also aims to inform pandemic recovery strategies, with the overall aim of improving population health and well-being and reducing inequity. If you would like further information then please contact one of the WHIASU team at