Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 10

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Karen Hughes+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Adverse childhood experiences: a retrospective study to understand their impact on mental illness, self-harm and suicide attempt in a male Welsh prison population

Prisoners are at increased risk of poor mental health and self-harming behaviours, with suicide being the leading cause of death in custody. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as child maltreatment are strong predictors of poor mental health and wellbeing yet despite high levels of ACEs in offender populations, relatively few studies have explored the relationships between ACEs and prisoners’ mental health and wellbeing.

Authors: Kat Ford, Mark Bellis+ 3 more
, Karen Hughes, Emma Barton, Annemarie Newbury

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 11 June 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
Pre-school childcare
The ‘social bubble’ approach
Re-opening transport
Country insight: New Zealand

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 9

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Freya Glendinning+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 4 June 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
Outdoor transmission of COVID-19
Long-term impacts of lockdown
Country insight: Greece

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 8

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Katie Hardcastle+ 2 more
, Mark Bellis, Freya Glendinning

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 28 May 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
COVID-19 testing practices
Adherence to lockdown measures
Country insight: Iceland

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 7

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis+ 1 more
, Freya Glendinning

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Ethnicity Report

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Karen Hughes+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 21 May 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
Health system recovery
Re-opening the education sector
Country insight: The Netherlands

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Inspiration from ACE Interrupters in Great Britain

Sharing the stories of individuals who have made a remarkable difference to those affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Mark Bellis+ 4 more
, Kat Ford, Katy Hetherington, Joanne C. Hopkins, Emma Clark

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 6

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis+ 1 more
, Freya Glendinning

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 14 May 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
Impact on employment and related financial and health burden
Impact on vulnerable groups
Country insight: Sweden

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 5

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus – demographic variables

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Karen Hughes+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 7 May 2020

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition / recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
Impact on care homes and other enclosed settings
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Impact on the education system
Transition approaches and considerations
Country insight: Spain

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 4

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 3

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 2

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Weekly Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

An evaluation of the Adverse Childhood Experience Trauma Informed Multi-agency Early Action Together (ACE TIME) training: national roll out to police and partners

The pan-Wales Early Action Together (E.A.T.) programme aimed to develop a whole systems response to vulnerability to enable police and multi-agency (MA) partners to recognise signs of vulnerability at the earliest opportunity and to work together to provide access to support beyond statutory services. Key to achieving this was the development and delivery of the Adverse Childhood Experience Trauma Informed Multi-agency Early Action Together (ACE TIME) training programme. The current report evaluated the phase one roll out of the ACE TIME training (from September 2018 to January 2019).

Authors: Freya Glendinning, Emma Barton+ 7 more
, Annemarie Newbury, Hayley Janssen, Georgia Johnson, Gabriela Ramos Rodriguez, Michelle McManus, Sophie Harker, Mark Bellis

Life course health consequences and associated annual costs of adverse childhood experiences across Europe and North America: a meta-analysis

An increasing number of studies are identifying associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and ill health throughout the life course. We aimed to calculate the proportions of major risk factors for and causes of ill health that are attributable to one or multiple types of ACE and the associated financial costs.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 4 more
, Kat Ford, Gabriela Ramos Rodriguez, Dineshi Sethi, Jonathon Passmore

Improving winter health and well-being and reducing winter pressures in Wales – Technical Report

This technical report acknowledges the effects of traditional seasonal factors that cause poor health such as influenza and injuries due to falls, as well as finding wider issues such as poverty, poor housing and unhealthy behaviours having a significant impact on winter health and well-being.

Authors: Sumina Azam, Thomas Jones+ 4 more
, Sara Wood, Emily Bebbington, Louise Woodfine, Mark Bellis

The Public Health Implications of Brexit in Wales: A Health Impact Assessment approach – A Rapid Review and Update

This is a short supplementary follow up report and builds on a detailed analysis of The Public Health Implications of Brexit in Wales: A Health Impact Assessment Approach, originally published in January 2019, which examines the potential effects of Brexit on the short, medium and long-term health and well-being of people living in Wales.

Authors: Louisa Petchey, Liz Green+ 5 more
, Nerys Edmonds, Mischa Van Eimeren, Laura Morgan, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

Understanding the association between self-reported poor oral health and exposure to adverse childhood experiences: a retrospective study

Adverse childhood experiences, including physical, sexual or emotional abuse, can have detrimental impacts on child and adult health. However, little research has explored the impact that such early life experiences have on oral health. This study examines whether experiencing adverse childhood experiences before the age of 18 years is associated with self-reported poor dental health in later life.

Authors: Kat Ford, Paul Brocklehurst+ 3 more
, Karen Hughes, Catherine Sharp, Mark Bellis