This report aims to bring together what we know about ACEs in refugee and asylum seeking children arriving and settling into host countries, highlighting their nature, extent and impact.
Authors: Sara Wood, Kat Ford+ 4 more
, Katie Hardcastle, Jo Hopkins, Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis
Assessing the positive and negative impact of policies, services and interventions on health and well-being is of great importance to public health. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and Social Return on Investment (SROI) are established methodologies which assess potential effects on health and well-being, including social, economic and environmental factors, indicating synergies, and cross-over in their approach. Within this paper, we explore how HIA and SROI could complement each other to capture and account for the impact and social value of an assessed intervention or policy.
Authors: Kathryn Ashton, Lee Parry-Williams+ 2 more
Health inequities are not inevitable. Coordinated policy action on the determinants of health combined with well designed and implemented governance approaches have a dual effect on reducing the health gap and improving overall population health. This guide is the first product developed under Public Health Wales’ WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) on Investment for Health and Well-being work programme and outlines four key phases on how to synthesize, translate and communicate public health economics evidence into policy and practice. The interrelated four phases guide the reader through the process of developing evidence-informed products, which are context and target audience specific. The guide aims to (i) prevent disinvestment in health; (ii) increase investment in prevention (public health); and (iii) and mainstream cross-sectoral investment to address the wider determinants of health and equity, driving sustainable development for prosperity for all. It has been developed based on a mixed-method approach including an evidence review, interviews with national and international experts, and a multisectoral stakeholder consultation which ensured relevance and transferability across sectors, contexts, settings and countries.
The prisoner ACE survey surveyed a prison population to understand how many ACEs they had experienced and the associations between ACEs and offending histories.
This study addresses the gaps in knowledge of health services experiences of adult asylum seekers and refugees in Wales, to inform policy and practice with the view to realising Wales’ ambition to become a Nation of Sanctuary, and supporting universal health coverage in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Authors: Ashrafunessa Khanom, Wdad Alanazy+ 20 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Bridie Angela Evans, Lucy Fagan, Alex Glendenning, Matthew Jones, Ann John, Talha Khan, Mark Rhys Kingston, Catrin Manning, Sam Moyo, Alison Porter, Melody Rhydderch, Gill Richardson, Grace Rungua, Daphne Russell, Ian Russell, Rebecca Scott, Anna Stielke, Victoria Williams, Helen Snooks
A household and online survey to gather the views of 3,310 individuals in Wales on 19 public health statements. Eight demographic and five health related behaviour super profiles were created to explore differences in opinion.
This guide identifies ten key evidence-informed policy opportunities for investment in Wales. Opportunities identified in the report address areas of high burden and cost in Wales, delivering economic as well as social and environmental returns, and supporting sustainable inclusive economic growth. The guide will help decision-makers to implement the Welsh Government’s Prosperity for All national strategy.
Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Mark Bellis+ 4 more
, Sumina Azam, Kathryn Ashton, Anna Stielke, Elodie Besnier
This article examines the emotions associated with drinking different types of alcohol, whether these emotions differ by socio demographics and alcohol dependency and whether the emotions associated with different drink types influence people’s choice of drinks in different settings.
The International Health Coordination Centre (IHCC) published a report highlighting its achievements in supporting implementation of the Charter for International Health Partnerships in Wales. The latest IHCC Progress Report outlines the work, progress and achievements from 2015 to 2017 made by the IHCC and the Welsh Health Boards and Trusts in this field. It also shows how the IHCC has evolved in relation to global, UK, national and local developments.
Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)+ 3 more
The Stay Well in Wales survey sought to obtain the views of residents of Wales on a range of public health issues in order to inform the development and implementation of Public Health Wales’ strategy for 2018-2030.
There are growing public health, inequality, economic and environmental challenges across the WHO European Region that require urgent and priority-focused investment if sustainable development (meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs) is to be achieved and health and well-being ensured for present and future generations.
Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Christoph Hamelmann+ 6 more
, Mark Bellis, Elodie Besnier, Charlotte Grey, Kathryn Ashton, Anna Schwappach, Christine Charles
Public Health Wales’ International Health Strategy supports the successful delivery of our national role, strategic priorities and well-being objectives. A wide consultation process, supported by a literature review and mapping of international work and collaborations across the organisation has enabled us to identify three strategic priorities and six strategic objectives for the next ten years.
Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)+ 1 more
This evaluation report outlines results from pilot courses for Global Citizenship Training for NHS Wales health professionals. The pilots build on a scoping questionnaire from 2015 which identified a clear interest in such training. The IHCC worked in collaboration with the WCIA to develop and pilot Global Citizenship training courses in partnership with Cwm Taf University Health Board as part of their international engagement under the Charter for International Health Partnerships (in English only).
Authors: Martin Pollard, Elodie Besnier+ 3 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis), Anna Stielke, Malcolm Ward