Maximising opportunities for health and wellbeing for people and communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage: A guide to using the Socio-economic Duty in policy and practice in Wales

Achieving a More Equal Wales is one of the seven goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The act provides public sector bodies in Wales with the five ways of working that will support us to make better decisions today for a More Equal Wales tomorrow. The Welsh Government’s Socio-economic Duty came into force in 2021 and aims to deliver better outcomes for those who experience socio-economic disadvantage.
The aim of this Guide is to help public bodies in Wales apply the Socio-economic Duty so that it can act as a powerful lever to improve the health outcomes for people and communities who experience socio-economic disadvantage. Public bodies have an opportunity to embed the Duty into their systems and approaches to ensure that the Duty makes a systematic difference and is not just a tick-box exercise.
An accompanying animation is also available via the links below.

Authors: Sara Elias, Lewis Brace+ 1 more
, Jo Peden

Preventing homelessness in care experienced individuals

The number and rate of children in local authority care in Wales has been increasing year on year and care experienced individuals are more likely to experience homelessness than other adolescents.
There are various models of practice to support young people when they leave care to prevent an experience of homelessness. The aim of this study was to identify and analyse Welsh, United Kingdom (UK) and international models of response in relation to care experienced individuals (aged 16-25) and homelessness prevention, and to identify promising practice in this field and further areas for improvement.
This study sought to give a voice to care experienced young people. It summarises the international evidence and the lived experience of care experienced individuals and provides suggestions from service providers on new models of care and how these could best be implemented.
It will be of interest to policy makers and housing and social care practitioners alike.

Authors: Claire Beynon, Laura Morgan+ 5 more
, Laura Evans, Oliver Darlington, Louise Woodfine, Lewis Brace, Manon Roberts