A Taxing Issue

The report focuses on contemporary population health concerns related to diets where taxation has been considered or implemented elsewhere, and/or is a viable innovation within the Welsh context. Excluded from the scope of this report are topic areas where taxation and other fiscal policy approaches are already in place by UK Government (for example, on alcohol and tobacco) and environmental-related taxation.

Authors: Adam Jones, Sumina Azam+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Resilience – Understanding the Interdependence Between Individuals and Communities

This report supports action by bringing together evidence and understanding of resilience at an individual and community level and the interdependence between them, how to measure change in resilience (Section 4), and provides an overview of programmes which seek to strengthen resilience at an individual and community level.

Authors: Alisha Davies, Charlotte Grey+ 2 more
, Lucia Homolova, Mark Bellis

How to Make the Case for Sustainable Investment in Well-being and Health Equity: A Practical Guide

Health inequities are not inevitable. Coordinated policy action on the determinants of health combined with well designed and implemented governance approaches have a dual effect on reducing the health gap and improving overall population health. This guide is the first product developed under Public Health Wales’ WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) on Investment for Health and Well-being work programme and outlines four key phases on how to synthesize, translate and communicate public health economics evidence into policy and practice. The interrelated four phases guide the reader through the process of developing evidence-informed products, which are context and target audience specific. The guide aims to (i) prevent disinvestment in health; (ii) increase investment in prevention (public health); and (iii) and mainstream cross-sectoral investment to address the wider determinants of health and equity, driving sustainable development for  prosperity for all. It has been developed based on a mixed-method approach including an evidence review, interviews with national and international experts, and a multisectoral stakeholder consultation which ensured relevance and transferability across sectors, contexts, settings and countries.

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Kathryn Ashton+ 2 more
, Anna Stielke, Mark Bellis

Preventing violent extremism in the UK: Public health solutions

The findings of this report demonstrate the population wide negative consequences of violent extremism to the well-being and cohesion of our communities. They identify how poverty, inequalities, isolation, abusive childhoods, difficulties with identity and mental ill-health can contribute to risks of violent extremism. Critically, the report examines how a public health approach can offer solutions that target these risk factors whilst police activities continue to tackle those who are already actively planning terrorist atrocities.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Katie Hardcastle

Associations between childhood deaths and adverse childhood experiences: An audit of data from a child death overview panel.

A study to examine if data routinely collected by child death overview panels (CDOPs) could be used to measure ACE exposure and examine any associations between ACEs and child death categories. Data covering four years (2012-2016) of cases from a CDOP in North West England were studied.

Authors: Hannah Grey, Kat Ford+ 3 more
, Mark Bellis, Helen Lowey, Sara Wood

Adverse childhood experiences, childhood relationships and associated substance use and mental health in young Europeans

This study combines data from 10 European cross-sectional ACE studies among young adults in educational institutions, to explore ACE prevalence, supportive childhood relationships and health outcomes (early alcohol initiation, problem alcohol use, smoking, drug use, therapy, suicide attempt).

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis+ 16 more
, Dinesh Sethi, Rachel Andrew, Yongjie Yon, Sara Wood, Kat Ford, Adriana Baban, Larisa Boderscova, Margarita Kachaeva, Katarzyna Makaruk, Marija Markovic, Robertas Povilaitis, Marija Raleva, Natasa Terzic, Milos Veleminsky, Joanna WÅ‚odarczyk, Victoria Zakhozha

Driving Prosperity for All through Investing for Health and Well-being – An Evidence Informed Guide for Cross-sector Investment

This guide identifies ten key evidence-informed policy opportunities for investment in Wales. Opportunities identified in the report address areas of high burden and cost in Wales, delivering economic as well as social and environmental returns, and supporting sustainable inclusive economic growth. The guide will help decision-makers to implement the Welsh Government’s Prosperity for All national strategy.

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Mark Bellis+ 4 more
, Sumina Azam, Kathryn Ashton, Anna Stielke, Elodie Besnier

Gambling as a public health issue in Wales 

Gambling is increasingly being recognised as a public health priority. Recent years have seen a rapid growth in the availability and advertising of gambling, driven by factors including relaxed gambling regulations and technological development.

Authors: Robert D. Rogers, Heather Wardle+ 6 more
, Catherine Sharp, Sara Wood, Karen Hughes, Timothy J. Davies, Simon Dymond, Mark Bellis

The Public Health Implications of Brexit in Wales: A Health Impact Assessment Approach

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU) (informally referred to as “Brexit”) is an unprecedented event in UK history, and evidence of the impact of Brexit on a wide range of policy areas is either unknown or highly contested. The Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, Public Health Wales, has carried out a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) to better understand the potential implications of Brexit for future health and well-being in Wales.

Authors: Liz Green, Nerys Edmonds+ 5 more
, Laura Morgan, Rachel Andrew, Malcolm Ward, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

Asking about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in health visiting: Findings from a pilot study

This report explores key findings from the evaluation of an initial pilot of ACE enquiry delivered with mothers during early engagement with health visiting services across Anglesey, North Wales. The pilot took place between October 2017 and July 2018 and engaged 321 mothers in a supportive, ACE-informed discussion about childhood adversity and its impacts on health, wellbeing and parenting.

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Mark Bellis

School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook 

This resource: School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook, is about schools, education and violence prevention. It provides guidance for school officials and education authorities on how schools can embed violence prevention within their routine activities and across the points of interaction schools provide with children, parents and other community members. If implemented, the handbook will contribute much to helping achieve the SDGs and other global health and development goals.

Authors: Sara Wood, Karen Hughes+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Does adult alcohol consumption combine with adverse childhood experiences to increase involvement in violence in men and women? A cross-sectional study in England and Wales

A study to examine if, and to what extent, a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) combines with adult alcohol consumption to predict recent violence perpetration and victimisation.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 5 more
, Kat Ford, Sara Edwards, Olivia Sharples, Katie Hardcastle, Sara Wood

Do emotions related to alcohol consumption differ by alcohol type? An international cross-sectional survey of emotions associated with alcohol consumption and influence on drink choice in different settings

This article examines the emotions associated with drinking different types of alcohol, whether these emotions differ by socio demographics and alcohol dependency and whether the emotions associated with different drink types influence people’s choice of drinks in different settings.

Authors: Kathryn Ashton, Mark Bellis+ 3 more
, Alisha Davies, Karen Hughes, Adam Winstock

Mass Unemployment Events (MUEs) Prevention and Response from a Public Health Perspective

This publication aims to address the gap caused by the downsizing or closure of a single large employer in a localised area, and provides a public health informed response framework which takes into consideration the impact on the wider determinants of health and the populations affected.

Authors: Alisha Davies, Lucia Homolova+ 2 more
, Charlotte Grey, Mark Bellis

Adverse childhood experiences and sources of childhood resilience: a retrospective study of their combined relationships with child health and educational attendance

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) including maltreatment and exposure to household stressors can impact the health of children. Community factors that provide support, friendship and opportunities for development may build children’s resilience and protect them against some harmful impacts of ACEs. This paper examines if a history of ACEs is associated with poor childhood health and school attendance and the extent to which such outcomes are counteracted by community resilience assets.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 6 more
, Kat Ford, Katie Hardcastle, Catherine Sharp, Sara Wood, Lucia Homolova, Alisha Davies

Public Health Wales Research Highlights Report 2016/17

Public Health Wales is involved in a wide variety of national and international research. Research is an essential part of what we do as an organisation, enabling us to understand the most effective approaches to improving the health and well-being of those living in Wales and beyond.

Authors: Alisha Davies, Mark Bellis

Sources of resilience and their moderating relationships with harms from adverse childhood experiences: Report 1: Mental Illness

The Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience Survey was undertaken to examine individual and community factors that may offer protection from the harmful impacts of ACEs on health, well-being and prosperity across the life course.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Kat Ford+ 3 more
, Alisha Davies, Lucia Homolova, Mark Bellis

A shared data approach more accurately represents the rates and patterns of violence with injury assaults.

To investigate whether sharing and linking routinely collected violence data across health and criminal justice systems can provide a more comprehensive understanding of violence, establish patterns of under-reporting and better inform the development, implementation and evaluation of violence prevention initiatives.

Authors: Benjamin J. Gray, Emma Barton+ 4 more
, Alisha Davies, Sara Long, Janine Roderick, Mark Bellis

Progressing the Sustainable Development Goals through Health in All Policies: Case studies from around the world

This Case Study Book, Progressing the Sustainable Development Goals through Health in All Policies: Case studies from around the world was developed as an outcome of the Adelaide 2017 Health in All Policies International Conference co-sponsored by the Government of South Australia and the World Health Organization.

Authors: Cathy Weatherup, Sumina Azam+ 5 more
, Michael Palmer, Cathy Madge, Richard Lewis, Mark Bellis, Andrew Charles

Investment for health and well-being: A review of the social return on investment from public health policies to support implementing the Sustainable Development Goals by building on Health 2020

There are growing public health, inequality, economic and environmental challenges across the WHO European Region that require urgent and priority-focused investment if sustainable development (meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs) is to be achieved and health and well-being ensured for present and future generations.

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Christoph Hamelmann+ 6 more
, Mark Bellis, Elodie Besnier, Charlotte Grey, Kathryn Ashton, Anna Schwappach, Christine Charles

Public Health Wales: Our International Health Strategy 2017-2027

Public Health Wales’ International Health Strategy supports the successful delivery of our national role, strategic priorities and well-being objectives. A wide consultation process, supported by a literature review and mapping of international work and collaborations across the organisation has enabled us to identify three strategic priorities and six strategic objectives for the next ten years.

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis