Tackling Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) State of the Art and Options for Action

This new report brings together what is known about ACEs across Europe and internationally, showing the on-going toxic impact that ACEs can have across the life course and how ACEs and their consequences can be prevented. The report supports the development of a trauma-informed society that is invested in action to prevent ACEs and better support those affected by them.

Authors: Sara Wood, Mark Bellis+ 3 more
, Karen Hughes, Zara Quigg, Nadia Butler

Climate Change and Health in Wales: Views from the public

This report presents initial findings from a survey of adult residents in Wales on their perceptions of climate change and health. Whilst work to understand and mitigate climate change is gaining momentum in Wales, there remains a lack of information on population views and behaviours. Such data are critical for the co-creation of effective and acceptable approaches to climate change that help protect public health; the targeting of key messages and information; and the establishment of long-term solutions across Wales that will continue to be supported across multiple generations. To address this gap, a public survey was developed to seek the population’s views about climate change, its relationship with health, their current climate friendly behaviours, their willingness to engage in action, and views on policy solutions. This report presents initial findings from the survey, providing population-level views on climate change among adult residents in Wales.

Authors: Sara Wood, Karen Hughes+ 3 more
, Rebecca Hill, Natasha Judd, Mark Bellis

Adverse childhood experiences and their relationship with poor sexual health outcomes: results from four cross-sectional surveys

Improving understanding of risk factors for risky sexual behaviour is fundamental to achieve better population sexual health. This study explored associations between ACEs and poor sexual health outcomes in the UK. Findings highlight the need for effective interventions to prevent and ameliorate the lifelong effects of ACEs. Trauma-informed relationships and sex education, sexual health services, and antenatal/postnatal services, particularly for teenagers and young parents, could provide opportunities to prevent ACEs and support those affected.

Authors: Sara Wood, Kat Ford+ 4 more
, Hannah Madden, Catherine Sharp, Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

Associations between adverse childhood experiences, attitudes towards COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine hesitancy: a cross-sectional study

Childhood adversity has been shown to be linked to poorer mental well-being, with some studies suggesting it may lead to reduced trust in health and other public services. Research conducted with adults in Wales identified that vaccine hesitancy was three times higher among people who had experienced four or more types of childhood trauma than it was among those who hadn’t experienced any.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 4 more
, Kat Ford, Hannah Madden, Freya Glendinning, Sara Wood

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 64

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 2 more
, Sara Wood, Mark Bellis

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 62

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Sara Wood+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 48

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Sara Wood+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

A rapid assessment of re-opening nightlife whilst containing COVID-19 and preventing violence

To support the work of partner agencies in re-opening nightlife safely following the first COVID-19 lockdown, the Wales Violence Prevention Unit conducted rapid research to assess the evidence and emerging global best practice for re-opening nightlife whilst containing COVID-19 and preventing violence. The report includes key examples of how nightlife has re-opened across the world, how measures to reduce risks of COVID-19 may impact on risks of violence, and provides key considerations for opening up nightlife in Wales.

Authors: Hayley Janssen, Katie Cresswell+ 7 more
, Natasha Judd, Karen Hughes, Lara Snowdon, Emma Barton, Daniel Jones, Sara Wood, Mark Bellis

Improving winter health and well-being and reducing winter pressures in Wales – Technical Report

This technical report acknowledges the effects of traditional seasonal factors that cause poor health such as influenza and injuries due to falls, as well as finding wider issues such as poverty, poor housing and unhealthy behaviours having a significant impact on winter health and well-being.

Authors: Sumina Azam, Thomas Jones+ 4 more
, Sara Wood, Emily Bebbington, Louise Woodfine, Mark Bellis

Associations between childhood deaths and adverse childhood experiences: An audit of data from a child death overview panel.

A study to examine if data routinely collected by child death overview panels (CDOPs) could be used to measure ACE exposure and examine any associations between ACEs and child death categories. Data covering four years (2012-2016) of cases from a CDOP in North West England were studied.

Authors: Hannah Grey, Kat Ford+ 3 more
, Mark Bellis, Helen Lowey, Sara Wood

Gambling as a public health issue in Wales 

Gambling is increasingly being recognised as a public health priority. Recent years have seen a rapid growth in the availability and advertising of gambling, driven by factors including relaxed gambling regulations and technological development.

Authors: Robert D. Rogers, Heather Wardle+ 6 more
, Catherine Sharp, Sara Wood, Karen Hughes, Timothy J. Davies, Simon Dymond, Mark Bellis

School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook 

This resource: School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook, is about schools, education and violence prevention. It provides guidance for school officials and education authorities on how schools can embed violence prevention within their routine activities and across the points of interaction schools provide with children, parents and other community members. If implemented, the handbook will contribute much to helping achieve the SDGs and other global health and development goals.

Authors: Sara Wood, Karen Hughes+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Does adult alcohol consumption combine with adverse childhood experiences to increase involvement in violence in men and women? A cross-sectional study in England and Wales

A study to examine if, and to what extent, a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) combines with adult alcohol consumption to predict recent violence perpetration and victimisation.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 5 more
, Kat Ford, Sara Edwards, Olivia Sharples, Katie Hardcastle, Sara Wood

Adverse childhood experiences and sources of childhood resilience: a retrospective study of their combined relationships with child health and educational attendance

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) including maltreatment and exposure to household stressors can impact the health of children. Community factors that provide support, friendship and opportunities for development may build children’s resilience and protect them against some harmful impacts of ACEs. This paper examines if a history of ACEs is associated with poor childhood health and school attendance and the extent to which such outcomes are counteracted by community resilience assets.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes+ 6 more
, Kat Ford, Katie Hardcastle, Catherine Sharp, Sara Wood, Lucia Homolova, Alisha Davies