No place like home? Exploring the health and well-being impact of COVID-19 on housing and housing insecurity

This comprehensive and participatory Health Impact Assessment (HIA) explores the health and well-being impact of COVID-19 on housing and housing insecurity, and looks at the importance of having a consistent home that is of good quality, affordable, and feels safe. It also considers security of tenure in relation to stability, and being able to maintain a roof over one’s head and ultimately prevent homelessness. It is the third in a series, which focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population of Wales including the ‘Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy’ and the impact of home and agile working. This report can be read in conjunction with these and the sections on housing and home working within them.

Authors: Louise Woodfine, Liz Green+ 9 more
, Laura Evans, Lee Parry-Williams, Christian Heathcote-Elliott, Charlotte Grey, Yoric Irving-Clarke, Matthew Kennedy, Catherine May, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 25 November 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
• Winter 2021/22 COVID-19 planning
• The impact of COVID-19 on older people

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Claire Beynon

Inequality in a Future Wales: Areas for action in work, climate and demographic change

This report explores how three key trends – changes to how we work, climate change and demographic change – may affect inequalities in a future Wales. The research was based on a rapid review of literature evidence and discussions with organisations that advocate for greater equality.

Authors: Sara MacBride-Stewart, Alison Parken

Health and wellbeing impacts of climate change Infographic

Public Health Wales has published a series of infographics highlighting the importance of climate change impact on the health and wellbeing of the population of Wales, and to support public bodies and businesses to take action to address any impacts.

Launched to coincide with the Council of Parties 26 (COP26), the infographics focus on the relationships between the natural environment and health, the population groups affected and some of the key health and wellbeing impacts of climate change and those population groups who could be affected.

Authors: Nerys Edmonds, Liz Green

Green Opportunities Autumn 2021

Green Opportunities is a new e-briefing from the Health and Sustainability Hub. The quarterly updates capture learning to aid Wales’ green recovery from COVID-19, identifying sustainable opportunities to support population health.

The autumn edition focuses on biodiversity.

Authors: Tracy Evans, Richard Lewis

Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales Spotlight on: Food Security

This paper highlights how the combined influences of Brexit, Coronavirus and climate change will potentially impact everyone through the food that is produced, accessed, available and consumed.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 7 more
, Adam Jones, Michael Fletcher, Laura Morgan, Tom Johnson, Tracy Evans, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 15 October 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
– COVID-19 vaccine update
– The impact of COVID-19 on people from the LGBTQ+ community

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Claire Beynon

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 78

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and Local Development Plans (LDPs): A Toolkit for Practice

Public Health Wales has created a practical Health Impact Assessment (HIA) toolkit that will enable planners to easily integrate health into their development plans for the future.

Designed to help further the collaboration between planning and public health sectors in Wales the resource aims to maximise positive health and wellbeing outcomes through land use planning policies that create healthy, equitable and cohesive communities.

Please download Adobe Acrobat Reader before opening this resource in order for full functionality.

Authors: Liz Green, Lee Parry-Williams+ 1 more
, Edwin Huckle

Rising to the Triple Challenge of Brexit, COVID-19 and Climate Change for health, well-being and equity in Wales

This report provides a strategic overview of the impact, and interconnectedness, of the enormous events of Brexit, COVID-19
pandemic and climate change. It identifies the key determinants and population groups affected by the Triple Challenge and provides a key example against a determinant.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 7 more
, Michael Fletcher, Adam Jones, Laura Evans, Tracy Evans, Lee Parry-Williams, Sumina Azam, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – Summary Calendar

This Summary Calendar has collated, synthesised and presented a clear and concise summary of the COVID-19 International Horizon Scanning Reports over the past year, since April 2020 through to March 2021. The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream has proved to showcase informative and impactful research whilst collating data from other countries, providing guidance, recommendations and useful insights regarding the evolving nature and uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 6 more
, Claire Beynon, Charlotte Bowles, Anna Stielke, James Allen, Abigail Malcolm (née Instone), Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 76

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Brexit and Poverty in Wales: A Public Health Lens

The aim of this report is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of the implications of the United Kingdom’s (UK) exit from the European Union (EU) – ‘Brexit’ – on poverty, and health and well-being in Wales.

Authors: Sumina Azam, Katie Hardcastle+ 6 more
, Laura Morgan, Rebecca Hill, Michael Fletcher, Tom Johnson, Liz Green, Mark Bellis

What Works to Prevent Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV)?

Violence against women domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV) is a major public health problem, criminal justice and human rights issue, with a range of adverse consequences for health and wellbeing over the life course. In Wales, a key objective of the national VAWDASV strategy is to make early intervention and prevention a priority, in recognition that prevention is vital to breaking the cycle of violence in families and communities. The purpose of this review is to identify effective practice for the prevention of VAWDASV and use the evidence to inform the refresh of the national VAWDASV strategy in Wales in 2021.

Authors: Samia Addis, Lara Snowdon

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 74

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 10 September 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
– Re-opening of educational settings
– COVID-19 and people with a disability

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Claire Beynon

‘Health in All Policies’—A Key Driver for Health and Well-Being in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the profile of public health and highlighted the links between health and other policy areas. This paper describes the rationale for, and principles underpinning, HiAP mechanisms, including HIA, experiences, challenges and opportunities for the future.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 3 more
, Mark Bellis, Timo Clemens, Margaret Douglas

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 72

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Uncharted Territory Review

This timely new review led by the ACE Support Hub, provides an update on the recommendations of the original report but also reflects on the progress made in the light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has found that whilst gaps remain, there has been some real progress made in terms of policy legislation in both Wales and the wider UK.

Authors: Joanne C. Hopkins, Amira Assami

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 70

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 12 August 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
The impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups
Mental health service recovery from COVID-19

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Claire Beynon

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 68

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Using health impact assessment (HIA) to understand the wider health and wellbeing implications of policy decisions: the COVID-19 ‘staying at home and social distancing policy’ in Wales

This paper focusses on a HIA of the ‘Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy’ or ‘lockdown’ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales conducted by the Welsh national public health institute. It describes the process and findings, captures the learning and discusses how the process has been used to better understand the wider health and well-being impacts of policy decisions beyond direct health harm. It also examines the role of public health institutes in promoting and using HIA.

Authors: Liz Green, Kathryn Ashton+ 4 more
, Sumina Azam, Mariana Dyakova, Timo Clemens, Mark Bellis