Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 66

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 22 July 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
The impact of COVID on employment security
Recognition of long COVID
Country insight: Japan

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Claire Beynon

Green Opportunities Summer 2021

Green Opportunities is a new e-briefing from the Health and Sustainability Hub. The quarterly updates capture learning to aid Wales’ green recovery from COVID-19, identifying sustainable opportunities to support population health.

The summer 2021 edition focuses on sustainable and active travel.

Authors: Richard Lewis, Tracy Evans

Wales and the global goals infographic

This infographic, ‘Wales and the global goals: Ensuring that no one is left behind’ was commissioned by the Health and Sustainability Hub in Public Health Wales to provide a background summary of the global and Wales’ approaches to sustainable development, including the steps to deliver the global agenda in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The infographic also provides information on elements of Wales’ approach, covering:

• A literature review on embedding Wales’ Sustainable Development Principle (‘five ways of working’)
• Annual ‘Well-being of Wales Report’ on progress towards sustainable development
• Wales’ national indicators to measure progress
• A short case-study on Wales’ ‘Health in All Policies’ approach to public policy

Authors: Cathy Weatherup, Richard Lewis+ 1 more
, Tracy Evans

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 64

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Natasha Judd+ 2 more
, Sara Wood, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 1 July 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
– COVID-19 impact on education and schooling practices
– Environmental impact of COVID-19
– Country insight: South Africa

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Anna Stielke

Step Change for a Sustainable Planet: Implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – A toolkit for global organisations

The Step Change for a Sustainable Planet toolkit was developed as part of the response by the Health and Sustainability Hub in Public Health Wales to take clear and positive action to help organisations and their staff respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Providing information and knowledge, the toolkit also supports staff, on an individual level or by working together as teams, to become ‘changemakers’ by helping them to put into practice the principles of sustainable development.

Authors: Sara Peacock, Tracy Evans+ 1 more
, Richard Lewis

Adult support during childhood: a retrospective study of trusted adult relationships, sources of personal adult support and their association with childhood resilience resources

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can affect health and well-being across the life course. Resilience is an individual characteristic that is known to help negate the effect of adversities and potentially transform toxic stress into tolerable stress. Having access to a trusted adult during childhood is critical to helping children build resiliency. This paper aims to understand the relationship between always having access to trusted adult support and childhood resilience resources, and examine which sources of personal adult support and the number of sources of adult support, best foster childhood resilience.

Authors: Kathryn Ashton, Alisha Davies+ 4 more
, Karen Hughes, Kat Ford, Andrew Cotter-Roberts, Mark Bellis

A basic income to improve population health and well-being in Wales?

The report ‘A basic income to improve population health and well-being in Wales?’ considers a range of evidence and explores the potential impacts on health and well-being. It also looks into the different approaches to policy design and implementation internationally. The report identifies options for policy-makers who are thinking about basic income, such as carrying out economic modelling, placing health and wellbeing as a core aim of any scheme, and carrying out feasibility studies to understand how basic income could be introduced in Wales.

Authors: Adam Jones

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 62

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Sara Wood+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Health Needs Assessment: COVID-19 and its impact on Children and Young People’s Experience of Violence and ACEs

This research, delivered by the Wales Violence Prevention Unit with funding from Public Health Wales, highlights how COVID-19 has resulted in many challenges for children and young people, including changes to routine, disruption to education and a reduction in access to support services and social activities. Evidence indicates that these challenges, together with other factors such as home life and existing wellbeing concerns, will likely have increased the risk of exposure to violence and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), particularly among the most vulnerable children and young people.

Authors: Katie Creswell, Emma Barton+ 3 more
, Lara Snowdon, Annemarie Newbury, Laura Cowley

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 10 June 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
COVID-19 vaccine uptake across the world
Re-opening policies
Country insight: India

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Anna Stielke

Health visitor enquiry about caregivers’ adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Key learning from a pilot evaluation

This report considers the feasibility and acceptability of ACE enquiry within routine health visiting contacts, from both the practitioner and service user perspective, and examines the impact of the implemented enquiry model on practitioner awareness and skills, the service user-practitioner relationship, and the health and wellbeing of families.

Authors: Katie Hardcastle, Mark Bellis

Wales Violence Prevention Unit: Whole Systems Evaluation Report – 2020/21

The Wales Violence Prevention Unit commissioned the Public Health Institute (PHI), Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) to evaluate the VPU’s whole-system public health approach to preventing violence.

This report, together with an evaluation of the Wales Violence Surveillance and Analysis System will support the VPU in further developing its whole-system public health approach to achieve real and lasting change for the people of Wales.

Authors: Hannah Timpson, Beccy Harrison+ 2 more
, Nadia Butler , Zara Quigg

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 58

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

This report looks at trends in responses to selected questions over the pandemic period, including worry about coronavirus, vaccine acceptance, and mental and physical health. It also looks at socio economic differences in responses to these questions and additional questions asking how people’s health and wellbeing has changed since before the pandemic.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis+ 1 more
, Natasha Judd

Be the Change – Sustainable Home and Agile Working

We are living in a fast-changing and uncertain world, in the time of a global climate emergency and a global pandemic, which highlight the importance of acting and living sustainably to preserve and protect our world for both current and future generations.

Covid-19 has changed the way people live and work, instigating an immediate reorientation to home working, where feasible and providing opportunities to live more sustainably.

For those who are able to work from home, the rapid shift to home and agile working has brought both positives and negatives, some more challenging than others. This e-guide will help individuals take sustainable steps while working at home to reduce their impact on the environment.

Authors: Richard Lewis, Tracy Evans

Be the Change Well-being Goals Challenge

The Well-being Goals Challenge sets out six separate behaviour change challenges that inspire us to act to live more sustainably. They are designed to be undertaken on your own, with your team mates or as a team to team challenge.
Drawing on Wales’ Well-being Goals and the wider United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the challenges focus on Slow Fashion, Plant-based Diet, Towards Zero Waste, Healthy Travel, Ethical Consumer and Supporting Wildlife, with sustainable steps provided to guide you on your challenge journey.

Authors: Richard Lewis, Angie Kirby+ 1 more
, Tracy Evans

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 13 May 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).

Topics of focus are:
Telework due to COVID-19

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Anna Stielke

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 22 April 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).

Topics of focus are:
Global COVID-19 vaccination rollout
International travel measures
COVID-19 epidemiological update

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Anna Stielke

Welsh Health Equity Status Report – WHESRi

This report aims to help inform and support a sustainable response and recovery from Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, placing health equity at its heart.
It reinforces our understanding of how interdependent individual and societal well-being, and the wider economy are, towards achieving prosperity for all. The report also contributes to strengthening the leading role of Wales at the forefront of the health equity and sustainable development agenda in Europe and globally.

Authors: Mariana Dyakova, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)+ 10 more
, James Allen, Mischa Van Eimeren, Anna Stielke, Andrew Cotter-Roberts, Rajendra Kadel, Benjamin Bainham, Kathryn Ashton, Daniela Stewart, Karen Hughes, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 18 March 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).

Topics of focus are:
Pregnancy and COVID-19
COVID-19 transmission in supermarkets
COVID-19 epidemiological update

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 48

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Sara Wood+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

International Horizon Scanning and Learning to Inform Wales’ COVID-19 Public Health Response and Recovery – 04 March 2021

The International Horizon Scanning and Learning work stream was initiated as a product of, and to inform upon, the evolving COVID-19 public health response and recovery plans in Wales. It focuses on COVID-19 international evidence, experience, measures and transition/recovery approaches, to understand and explore solutions for addressing the on-going and emerging health, wellbeing, social and economic impacts (potential harms and benefits).
Topics of focus are:
COVID-19 transmission in hospital settings
COVID-19 impact on physical activity
COVID-19 and food poverty
COVID-19 impact on rural areas

These reports were used during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic in order to inform the Public Health Wales response and therefore only available in English.

Authors: Mark Bellis, Mariana Dyakova+ 1 more
, Lauren Couzens (née Ellis)

Public Engagement Survey on Health and Wellbeing during Coronavirus Measures – Week 46

Public Health Wales conducted a public engagement telephone survey to ask members of the public in Wales how coronavirus and related control measures are affecting their health and wellbeing. Survey reports aimed to provide data representative of the Welsh population and data are adjusted to represent the Welsh population by age, sex and deprivation.

Authors: Karen Hughes, Freya Glendinning+ 1 more
, Mark Bellis

Green Opportunities Spring 2021

Green Opportunities is a new e-briefing from the Health & Sustainability Hub. The quarterly updates capture learning to aid Wales’ green recovery from COVID-19, identifying sustainable opportunities to support population health.
The spring 2021 edition focuses on energy and air pollution.

Authors: Richard Lewis, Tracy Evans